Managing Your Stress
Managing Your Stress

Psychotherapists have many tools at their disposal for helping clients overcome
stress and related issues. One of these tools is called rational-emotive
behavior therapy (REBT), which used to be known as rational-emotive therapy
(RET). This system of therapy was pioneered by Dr. Albert Ellis decades ago,
and today its principles and techniques are employed in the more mature system
known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Dr. Ellis was a firm believer in the idea that an individual could help himself
or herself overcome the destructive thinking tendencies that directly determine
emotional responses such as stress. He created what is now known as the ABC
model of psychotherapy.

A stands for Activating Event and is the external situation or event that is
wrongly believed to cause C, the emotional Consequence. What stands between A
and C, however, is B, a belief. This belief can be either rational or
irrational, and Dr. Ellis believed that all negative emotional states are the
result of irrational beliefs at point B.

The ABC model of psychotherapy could rightly be called the ABCDE model of
psychotherapy, since the model has two additional components, D and E. D stands
for Disputation and refers to a conscious effort on the part of the individual
to challenge and uproot the irrational beliefs at B that are causing the
negative emotional consequences at C. This disputation subjects the irrational,
stress-causing beliefs to a scientific, logical, empirical, rational method of
questioning. If the individual succeeds in recognizing and uprooting the
irrational beliefs that are causing his or her current state of distress, the
result is E, the Effect. E is ideally cognitive, emotional, and behavioral --
cognitive in the sense that an irrational belief is replaced by a rational
belief; emotional in the sense that a negative emotion such as stress is
replaced either by a positive emotion or by a milder negative emotion that is
more realistic; and behavioral in the sense that the individual will not
respond to similar events in future with similar irrational beliefs.

There are various subtleties that we have overlooked for the sake of
simplicity. One of these subtleties involves the vicious cycle that can result
when irrational beliefs and negative emotional states have an influence on
behavior and perception, leading to all sorts of self-fulfilling prophecies.
In fact, perceptions, cognitions, emotions, and behaviors are highly
interrelated. A simple demonstration of this fact can be observed if you try to
be sad while smiling, or downbeat while walking at a fast pace with your head
up high and your chest out.

An example will help tie the whole process together and illustrate how the
ABCDE model of psychotherapy can be used to deal with stress and other negative

Let us suppose that you are running late for work and that you are feeling
stressed out about the situation. The ABCDE breaks down as follows:

A - the Activating Event is that you are running late for work.
B - the irrational Belief we will examine below.
C - the emotional Consequence of B is that you are feeling stressed and highly

Let us now move to Disputation. You could ask yourself "What is the irrational
belief that is making me feel this way?" Quite likely, the belief will be along
the lines that you absolutely must be punctual at all times and that it is
catastrophic when you are late. You could then ask yourself "Why is it
catastrophic if I am late?" "Because," you may answer, "I could get fired." If
you wanted to, you could keep examining this and ask yourself what would be
catastrophic about being fired, and you could end up surprising yourself with
where such persistent questioning can take you. But let us assume that being
fired would indeed be the end of the world. You could still dispute the idea
that you would be fired for being late. After all, doubtless you have seen
other coworkers arrive late on occasion with total impunity. Maybe even the
boss is late from time to time.

Eventually you may come to the realization that being late is nothing worth
stressing out over, and this rational realization would be accompanied by a
corresponding change in emotional state. You could take charge of your behavior
by devising ways to ensure that you arrive early to work the vast majority of
the time. You would now be at E, the Effect.


Word Count 738

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Main Menu

website monitoring
An Anti-Stress Grab Bag

Are Eustressed Out Lately?

Be Your Own Stress Therapist

Creating a Stress-Free Workplace

Dealing with Stress at the Computer I

Dealing with Stress at the Computer II

Dealing with Stress at the Computer III

Dealing with Stress at the Computer IV

Dealing with Stress at the Computer V

Express Your Stress

Improving Your Sleep to Fight Stress

Kick Stress in the Butt

Managing Your Stress

Meditation Is Not Just for Hippies

Overcoming Procrastination and Its Stress

Preparing for Stressors

Simplify Your Life

Speed Reading to Combat Stress

The Basics of a Stress-Free Diet

The Biology of the Stress Response

The Easy Way to Ace Exams

The Stress Triangle

Treat Yourself to a Massage

What Philosophers Tell Us About Stress

What the Net Offers for Stress Relief


Disclaimer: The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this website, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

This site is a common sense guide to Managing Your Stress. In practical advice websites, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

This site is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

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