Big Dog Affiliates Go Where The Money Is
Big Dog Affiliates Go Where The Money Is

Instead of focusing on the niche products, you need to focus on the products that can and do sell. At least if you want to be one of the Big Dogs in internet marketing you do. If you want to make the big commission checks and the easy, sell-themselves-while-I'm-in-the-tropics kind of sales the Big Dogs do, you have to think less about what you want to talk about and more about what customers want to hear.

The other factor you must consider is sustainability. When you do choose a niche, choose one with staying power. Choose one that can be recycled over and over-that will continue to elicit demand again and again. That will lend itself to up-selling with other products and/or upgrades. And while you do that, focus on how you sell, not only what you sell, so that you can re-use what you learn. That way, you can continue to be a Big Dog affiliate success well into the future (say, to retirement?) even as products and affiliate programs come and go.

If by now you are concerned and thinking, "Great. Now I just don't know what to sell, and I thought I had it all figured out…" don't worry. This book is here to re-train you and teach you to sell and make easy money the way the Big Dogs do. Not the way the people making trickles and dabs of affiliate money do, the way the people living off affiliate commissions do. And to that end, we will certainly clarify for you how to identify the products that will sell. In fact, we'll do that shortly. But first, let's take away another fear.

But I'm no expert
Okay, so now that we've dismissed the thought of selling niche products that you like, and taken away your automatic level of comfort with your product, we need to talk about how to correct that problem for you, yes?

It is a lot easier to sell something you know and love, surely. It is easier-at least in the beginning-to build marketing and pre-sales around a product you have an interest in; meaning, if you are already an expert in "widgetta obscura" you could probably sit down and in one afternoon draft a complete website full of content on the matter. And if you choose another product, say an in-demand high seller that you know next to nothing about, you'll have to do some research before you can belt out that content. You'll have to become an expert all over again.

There. You've just been given the answer. Did you see it? Become an expert. Just as you were not born an expert in widgets, just as you became an expert through study and use, you can do the same thing for any product that with excellent consumer demand.

All that it takes to become an expert is some time spent reading, and eventually using your products. You can become an authority. You can become whatever type of expert you want to be. And trust us when we say that you want to be the expert who knows the products with ready-to-buy consumers.

That being said, there is something more to consider-you don't really need to be an expert to be an effective affiliate! By default it is quite likely you'll become one over time, but in the meantime all you need to do is let your parent affiliate program do the work for you! All the information and ordering and purchasing tools are already there for you. Your job is just to get your people to them so that they can buy. And believe us when we say that if you target the right markets, they're likely to come with plenty of information anyway!

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Main Menu

website monitoring
6 Essential Tips for Boosting Your Affiliate Commissions

A Day in the Life of a Super Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing What sells and what doesn't

Affiliate Marketing Within Your Niche Fact Or Fiction

Affiliate Profits and Teleseminars

Affiliate Websites & Content That Pay Off

Avoiding Spam Complaints in Affiliate Marketing

Becoming A Big Dog Affiliate Marketer

Big Dog Affiliates Go Where The Money Is

Boost Your Affiliate Commissions

Boost Your Bottom Line to Increase Profits

Build It And They'll Come Or Will They

Can I Make Affiliate Marketing Pay Off

Conversion Matters

Creating Superior Affiliate Marketing Websites

Creating Your Own Affiliate Products

Creating Your Own Products

Do You Know A Good Affiliate Deal When You See One

Getting Your Affiliate Site Up, Running, and Making Money

How to become a Super Affiliate in Niche Markets

Search Engine Traffic For Affiliates

So What Is A Big Dog Affiliate Anyway

The Importance of Using Positive Linking Strategies

The Super Affiliate

To Affiliate Blog Or Not Is The Question-


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This site is a common sense guide to Big Dog Affiliates Go Where The Money Is. In practical advice websites, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

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